Eligible students are Nova Scotia students registered in the final year of the undergraduate Civil Engineering programme in the Faculty of Engineering. The applicant must be involved in water-related studies in Civil Engineering. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of the applicant's record at Dalhousie University. While academic excellence will be the primary criterion for the award, the selection committee may also weigh other considerations in reaching a decision. Application required. Deadline: September 30.
1 award, $350; for students continuing in the Resource Management Officer Technology program at Malaspina University-College; preference to someone who is 1) a member, or whose parent or grandparent is a member, of Branch 257, or 2) a resident of Lantzville, or 3) affiliated with...
Awarded each year by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarships Committee to an undergraduate student enrolled in the B.Sc.(Agr.)/B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.), B.Sc.(Agr.Eng.)/B.Eng.(Bioresource), B.Sc.(F.Sc.) or B.Sc.(Nutr.Sc.) programs. The student must be in good academic standing and must have demonstrated a strong commitment to university life through...
Established in 1997 by Louis Cohen in memory of his wife, Evelyn Berman Cohen (B.Sc. 1946). Awarded by the Faculty of Education's Committee on Student Affairs to a student enrolled in the B.Sc./B.Ed concurrent degree program. Academic standing is of primary importance; however, all else...
Awarded to the best all round student by the Dean of the Faculty of Education and the President of the Alumni Association. The scholarship must be used to further the winner's educational studies. When circumstances permit, two scholarships are offered in the same year. Value:...
To a final year student in the Faculty of Engineering who was educated in the Province of Quebec. Awarded on the basis of overall academic record. Value: $800.
Established in 1985 by family, friends and colleagues of the late Professor Edward Rosenthall to commemorate his contribution to the Department of Mathematics and to the teaching of Mathematics. Awarded to an undergraduate student in high standing in a mathematics program by the Scholarships Committee...
A prize of $200 is offered to an undergraduate medical student who has shown interest and proficiency in the field of Urology. This award is made on the recommendation of the Division of Urology of the Department of Surgery.
Bursaries totalling $5,800 are offered to students in the Faculty of Medicine who have attained good academic standing.
Scholarships totalling $2,800 have been endowed in memory of Doretta Lee for students enrolled in the M.D. program.
The bursary is offered to a student enrolled in psychiatry courses within the Faculty of Medicine.
The award is available to a student in the Faculty of Arts or Law, who is doing work in the field of Indian history and culture. Preference is given to a student of native Indian ancestry. The award is made on the recommendation of the...
Bursaries totalling $2,300 for students in the Faculty of Law have been endowed by the Class of Law 1958 in honour of their forty-fifth anniversary.
The bursary is offered to students in the Faculty of Education.
A $1,000 scholarship is offered to M.A. students in Urban Studies. The award is made on the recommendation of the Urban Studies Coordinating Committee in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
CRITERIA: -Secondary school student seeking admission into the first year of undergraduate study -Must be a child, grandchild or sibling of a graduate holding a York University degree -Have a minimum admission average of 90%, or equivalent -Have a demonstrated record of participation and leadership...
Registration in the Master's of Publishing program. One award to defray a student's expenses incurred while participating in the internship component of the program.
This award is awarded to the student with the highest academic achievement in the course "Corrosion an Degradation of Materials" or to an undergraduate student who receives top marks in a corrosion-related research project or lab experiment/project. The winner is expected to meet the local...
Criteria: -Third or fourth period -Academic achievement -Financial need -Alberta resident -Canadian citizen
Criteria: -Exceptional skills in a variety of products, including yeast products, cakes and pastries -Consistency -Accuracy -Efficiency
Conditions: To be awarded annually to an undergraduate or graduate student with satisfactory academic standing (minimum grade point average of 2.0 for undergraduate students, and 3.0 for graduate students, on at least 18 units of course weight taken during the previous academic year). Entrance students...