The prize is offered to an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Education who achieves distinction in a children's literature course. Preference is given to a student who uses children's literature effectively in a teaching practicum. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Education.
1 award, $700; awarded to a top student, based on GPA, progressing to 3rd year of the Financial Services concentration of the Bachelor of Business Administration Program. No application necessary. Funds awarded as a tuition credit for the fall term.
1 award, $500; available to students in the Interior Design program, awarded for excellence in drafting and an inclination, aptitude or interest in architecture. Based on faculty recommendation. No application necessary. Funds issued in April.
Established through an endowment from Dr. Gerry W. Friars, a graduate of Macdonald College, B.Sc. (Agr.) 1951, to encourage worthy candidates to pursue postgraduate studies. Awarded by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarships Committee to an undergraduate student studying in an academic program...
Established in 2004 by Dr. Joy Harvie Maclaren, B.Sc. (Nutr.) 1944, LL.D. 2000, in recognition of her 60th anniversary of graduation from Macdonald. Awarded by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarships Committee to a distinguished student enrolled in the 2nd or 3rd year...
Awarded by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarships Committee on the basis of academic merit to students registered in the B.Sc.(Agr.)/B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.), B.Sc.(Agr.Eng.)/B.Eng.(Bioresource), B.Sc.(F.Sc.), and B.Sc.(Nutr.Sc.) programs. One scholarship is awarded to an entering U1 student and one to students enrolled in each of...
To a second year student in Mechanical Engineering with a good academic record who needs financial assistance. Awarded on the recommendation of the Department. Value: $350.
A copy of the book "The Steinmetz Era" to a second year student in Electrical Engineering on the basis of academic performance and demonstration of exceptional promise as an engineer. Awarded on the recommendation of the Department. Value: $650.
Two grants to be awarded to students in a program in Civil, Chemical, Materials or Mechanical Engineering who have a high Sessional Average and demonstrate financial need: a) one after the completion of Level I and an additional 33-45 units, and b) one after the...
This scholarship is to recognize an outstanding Fine Arts student who is entering the first year of the Fine Arts program at North Island College. Applicants must be attending on a full-time basis and meet the admission requirements for the Fine Arts program. The award...
A bursary of $500 has been endowed by the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia. The award is made to a student in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences who has completed at least one year of study in the Faculty.
The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty to the student having the highest standing in removable prosthodontics.
It is awarded on the recommendation of the School of Music to a student of a string instrument or voice who has completed at least one year of study at UBC.
The award is offered to an undergraduate student in the computer engineering option in Electrical Engineering and is made on the recommendation of the Electrical Engineering department.
Awarded annually in any semester on the basis of demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic performance to mature graduate students in the Faculty of Education. Preference will be given to mature graduate students with an interest in adult education. Application should include a discussion of...
Criteria: -Entering or returning student -Financial need -Female student -Single parent -Canadian citizen -Preference given to applicants in programs related to the food service industry
Criteria: -First, second, or third period -Financial need
Criteria: -TARA member for at least three months prior to the election at AGM in March -GPA of 2.00 -Level and quality of participation and support of TARA's goals and activities Process: -Recipient decided by a vote of the TARA student club membership during the...
Criteria: -Third semester -Financial need
CRITERIA: -Applicants must demonstrate exemplary volunteer participation with the UCFV community and/or external community. -Applicants must accompany application with a one page letter directed to the Awards Committee Chair supporting the established criteria and stipulations. -Three letters of reference from either community service leaders or...
Conditions: To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement who has satisfactorily completed the second work term in the Bachelor of Commerce Co-operative Education program, School of Business Recipient will be selected on the basis of academic standing and a demonstrated involvement...