Award Criteria:
demonstrates excellent ability in carpentry skills
A minimum $500 award to a graduate of M.E. Lazerte Composite High School, Archbishop O'Leary Catholic High School, Eastglen Composite High School, or Concordia High School who is enrolled in their first or second year of study in a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree...
A bequest of the late Thayer Lindsley (1882-1976), founder and former President of Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd. When he retired in 1956, Mr. Lindsley established the John Lindsley Trust which provides the funds for this award. Value: $2,500. Recipient: a student entering a Bachelor of...
2 awards, $1,000 each; available to Canadian Citizens and graduates of School District #68, who are entering their final year of study in Bachelor of Education or Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Malaspina University-College. The award will recognize students who demonstrate both commitment and...
Established by Anachemia Canada Inc. Awarded to an undergraduate student achieving high academic merit in the Research Project courses. Awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Chemistry. Value: $250.
Established in 2003 by Alexandra Irwin Cowie, B.Sc. 1950, as a legacy of her parents, Alexander N. Irwin and Charlotte Brennan Irwin, and other members of her family. Awarded by the University Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid to an outstanding student entering any full-time...
Three scholarships to be awarded to students in an Honours program in Music who, in the judgment of the School of the Arts, are outstanding: (a) one in the area of choral or vocal music to a student who has completed Music I or an...
To be awarded to the student who is entering his/her final year of study of a program in Chemical Engineering and who attained the highest Sessional Average.
To be awarded to an outstanding student who has completed Level II of a Humanities program. The purpose of the scholarship is to assist with the expenses of travel and study in Italy for academic credit at McMaster University. The applicant must submit a plan...
To be awarded to an outstanding student on the basis of qualifications and academic record after the completion of Level I and an additional 60 - 75 units of a program in Commerce. Preference will be given to students who plan to continue their studies...
To be awarded to the student who has completed Level I and who, in the judgment of the Department of History, has achieved notable academic standing in medieval history.
A $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student completing first year Sciences at the Prince Rupert campus. The recipient must be eligible to enrol in a full-time Science program at a post-secondary institution. This award has been established to provide a lasting memorial to...
The award is made on the recommendation of the Department of Classical, Near Eastern & Religious Studies to a student majoring in Religious Studies with an interest in religion and art.
Bursaries totalling $1,000 are offered by family, friends and the Sea-Going Hacks in memory of Conrad Cruickshank for undergraduate students in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
One or two scholarships to a total of $1,200 will be awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Creative Writing to undergraduate or graduate students in the Department who have demonstrated excellence in the writing of poetry.
The award is offered to a student entering the Faculty of Education's Secondary Teaching program who has obtained a degree majoring in Biology. Preference may be given to students who have obtained an Honours degree in Biology. The award is made on the recommendation of...
Awards totalling $2,500 have been endowed for Engineering students demonstrating aptitude in technical design. Preference is given to undergraduate students. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science.
A scholarship of $1,200 is open to students who have completed the first three years in the program leading to the degree in Rehabilitation Medicine (P.T.). It is awarded on the recommendation of a committee of faculty and students to a student who is deserving...
Granted on the basis of demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic performance, to a student(s) of the Graduate Liberal Studies program.
Conditions: To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in the Integrated Dietetic Internship component of the Bachelor of Science Nutrition and Food Sciences (Nutrition major) program. Recipient will be selected on the basis of academic standing achieved during the previous...
Conditions: To be awarded annually to a student with superior academic achievement entering first year of a degree program or to a student entering second, third or fourth year of a degree program with satisfactory academic standing taken on a minimum of 18 units of...