A variable number of scholarships to be awarded to students who, in the judgment of the Centre for Student Development, give evidence of outstanding academic achievement.
Students who wish to be considered for this award must be registered with the Centre for Student Development, Disability Services. The application cover page can be downloaded from the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships web site at http://sfas.mcmaster.ca/downloadcentral.html. Completed applications should be submitted to the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships by April 15th.
This award recognizes an outstanding Co-op student from the graduating class in Environmental Technology Co-op Program. In the School of Arts and Science, students enrolled in the Environmental Technology Co-op Program are eligible to be selected for this award.
1 award, $250; available to outstanding students graduating from the Bachelor of Education program, based on recommendation of the Dean and the Faculty of Education. No application necessary. (Awarded in December)
1 award, $1,000; to full-time students returning for second year in the Fisheries & Aquaculture program, based on academic achievement and demonstrated proficiency in the field of shellfish. Students must have demonstrated a strong interest in shellfish aquaculture as a focus for further study and/or...
Value: $1,100/ea. Recipients: students entering any year of the Mining or Extractive Metallurgy program, on the basis of demonstrated financial need and Ontario residency, as defined by OSAP. Application required.
Value: $2300 Recipient: student entering any year of any program, on the basis of financial need and Ontario residency, as defined by OSAP. Preference is given to applicants with a broad range of interests who are active participants in their community as demonstrated by their...
Value: from $1,000-$3,000. Awarded annually to students enrolled in cooperative studies programs including the University's Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Cooperative Administration. Application deadline is July 31. For more information or an application form, contact: Myrna G. Barclay, Director of Education Canadian Cooperative Association 510-119...
For studies in Government, Constitutional Law, or Public Administration. Established in 1954 by Senator H. Carl Goldenberg, Q.C. in memory of his father, the late Maurice Goldenberg. Awarded by the Faculty of Arts Scholarships Committee on the recommendation of the Department of Political Science. Value:...
Established in 1965 by bequest of his wife, Edith M. Ashall. Value: $200 for books
Awarded to the student who resides in the residence with the highest Sessional Average (at least 9.5) in an undergraduate program, with the exception of those in their graduating session.
The North Okanagan Chartered Accountants Association provides an annual award of $200 for a student who has completed the first year of full-time study in the Business Administration program at the Kalamalka Campus of Okanagan College and who will be returning the following September for...
This award is available to a North Island College Comox Valley Campus student who is pursuing education and/or training at the second year level in any field of study. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, have maintained a satisfactory academic standing and have a...
Bursaries totalling $500 have been endowed through a bequest by Bruce Woodsworth for students in geology.
A $150 bursary has been endowed in memory of Joan Porret by her family and friends for a mature woman undergraduate student entering the Faculty of Education.
A scholarship of $500 is offered to students entering the fourth year of Civil Engineering. The winner is selected on the basis of proficiency in studies, character, and personal qualities, with preference being given to those with outstanding records in structural design, concrete design or...
Eligibility: -Entering major program in Department of Mathematics & Statistics in the Faculty of Arts -Canadian citizen/permanent resident/protected person and Ontario resident -Demonstrated financial need -Extracurricular involvement in math-related clubs or activities
ACCPAC International Scholarship of $500 is awarded to the student who obtains the highest grade (first time writing) in Financial Accounting: Assets (FA2).
Preference will be given to an outstanding student in the Third or Fourth Year of the Bachelor of Music in Performance: Contemporary Musics, concentration in Jazz and Improvisation. The value of the Prize shall not be less than $400.
This award, of $1,000 and the books, The Merck Index and The Merck Manual, is presented to the student entering third year who excels in pharmaceutical sciences (medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics).
Conditions: Awarded annually to an undergraduate student who has taken one Botany course in Plant Biology and has achieved a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.3 The award shall be based on contribution to the Botany Department and involvement in the activities of the Organization...
Conditions: To be awarded annually on the basis of superior academic achievement to a student convocating from the School of Business with a Degree of Bachelor of Commerce with Specialization in Accounting.