In response to the report delivered by the Task Force on Northern Research, NSERC established the Northern Research Internships program in 2003. Up to 30 awards per year are available.
Northern Research Internships are tenable in a northern Canadian organization that will benefit from the research conducted, either directly or through the sharing of knowledge. Partner organizations can include colleges, federal, provincial and territorial government departments, companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or communities. Students/fellows should consult with their supervisors and/or the potential research organizations themselves to find a suitable partner for an internship
Donated by the F. Jean MacLeod Trust to commemorate the late F. Jean MacLeod's abiding interest in the natural environment of Sudbury, to recognize academic achievement in Geography and environmental studies and to promote undergraduate research in conservation. Value: variable maximum $2,000/ea. Recipients: up to...
1 award, $300; available to first or second year History student returning to Malaspina University-College in the Fall. Based on achievement in a second year History course. No application necessary. Funds awarded as a tuition credit for the fall term.
To encourage practical and theoretical knowledge of the industry, this prize is awarded to the B.Sc.(Agr.)/B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.) student who has experience on a swine farm through employment or a stage and who attained the highest grade in the Swine Production course. Value: $250.
Awarded annually to a student registered in a program offered by the Department of Natural Resource Sciences who has demonstrated academic excellence. Preference will be given to a student who entered from John Abbott College, is registered in the Wildlife Biology Major and is active...
To be awarded to the student who is entering his/her final year of study of a program in Chemical Engineering and who attained the highest Sessional Average.
Awarded for overall academic excellence (Sessional Average of at least 9.5) to students in undergraduate programs, with the exception of those in their graduating session and those retaining scholarships of $1,000 or greater. Each year quotas are established for each Faculty and other academic units...
To be awarded to a student who has completed Level I and an additional 90 - 130 units of a program in Engineering and Management. Award to be based on distinguished academic performance during the student's undergraduate career. Consideration will also be given to noteworthy...
To be awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in a French program who, in the judgment of the Department of French, has shown a strong interest in computer skills as applied to the Humanities.
To be awarded to a graduating student who has completed a program in Political Science primarily on a part-time basis and who, in the judgment of the Department of Political Science, has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement.
A scholarship of $400 is offered by the Institute of Agrologists to a student entering the Faculty of Land and Food Systems with high scholastic standing. The award is made on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
Bursaries totalling $1,000 have been endowed by the late Philip McLaughlin Dowling, in memory of his sister Doris M. Dowling. The awards are available to students in the sciences including, but not limited to such programs as Pharmacy, Nursing, Rehabilitation Sciences, Forestry, Engineering and Agriculture.
The prize is awarded to an outstanding undergraduate specializing in plant pathology, plant nematology or plant protection or an outstanding graduate student in plant pathology or plant nematology. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems or in...
A scholarship of $700 is awarded to a woman student in the field of International Relations.
Awards totalling $1,200 are for undergraduate students in Electrical Engineering. The awards are made on the basis of financial need and commitment to electrical engineering as demonstrated by academic performance and extracurricular activity.
The prize is awarded to the most outstanding woman student in the graduating class of the Faculty of Commerce.
A one semester award for student(s) pursuing a graduate degree (M.A. or Ph.D.) in English. Up to three awards will be granted in a given year. Students must be nominated for this award by the Chair of the Department.
This prize valued at $400.00 is awarded to a graduating student with the highest cumulative GPA following four full time years in the BHSc program.
Criteria: -Third semester - Network Systems major -Academic achievement in first and second semesters -Financial need
AVAILABLE TO: Assist B.C. women in the following categories: 1. single mothers advancing their education, mature women retraining for a return to the workforce after a long absence, 2. women in non-traditional fields of study, immigrant, aboriginal, or 3. women with disabilities who need assistance...
Conditions: To be awarded annually to graduands with superior academic achievement in the Honors program of the Faculty of Arts. Recipients will be students who maintain the highest GPA in the four years of their programs. One prize will be given in each of the...