The Nova Scotia Power Inc. established five awards valued at $2,000 per year, tenable for two years. Eligible candidates are registered in the Faculty of Engineering at this University in one of the following fields of Study: Electrical, Mechanical, or Civil Engineering. Application is by letter submitted to the student's associated university by early January. Successful candidates may be offered term employment with Nova Scotia Power. The Selection Board considers academic excellence, personality, and involvement in extracurricular activities. Application required. Deadline: January 31.
1 award, $500; available to mature female students (minimum 20 years of age), enrolled or enrolling in any academic, technical, career or upgrading program at Malaspina University-College, who have been a resident of the Cowichan Valley for at least one year, and who demonstrates financial...
1 award, $1,000; to recognize potential and encourage students enrolled in full-time studies in Science, Sociology, Health, Human Services or Social Justice at Malaspina University-College, who are working towards a career in Environmental Management or Social Work which will contribute to the Health of the...
Established by the Jean Rich Foundation in honour of the late Ross Preston, a pioneer in the Canadian food industry as President and principal shareholder of Champlain Industries Ltd. for over 40 years. Awarded annually by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarships Committee...
To be awarded to the student in a program in Economics who, in the judgment of the Department of Economics, stands highest in courses in economic history.
Direct Energy Business Services has established an annual award of $3,000 for a student who has completed the first year of full-time study in the Water Quality and Environmental EngineeringTechnology program at Okanagan College and who will return for the second year of full-time study...
The Diamond Jubilee Chapter I.O.D.E. provides an annual award of $500 for a student who has completed one or more years of full-time study in the Adult Academic and Career Preparation program at the Penticton Campus of Okanagan College and who will be proceeding to...
NRT 1st year continuing to 2nd year, high GPA. No application. Department selection.
This prize, to promote and recognize academic excellence, is awarded to a student in the graduating class in the Faculty of Applied Science on the recommendation of the Dean.
Three scholarships totalling $15,000 are offered by the Johann Strauss Foundation and anonymous donors for continuing or graduating students in the School of Music for advanced musical study in Austria at a specified group of educational institutions or, with the approval of the Audition Board...
The award is made to a student in the Faculty of Law.
The award is made on the recommendation of the Department, to a student in History, entering his or her final year in the B.A. program.
It is awarded to an outstanding music student in the field of song interpretation.
Dean's Scholarships are awarded within each of Simon Fraser's six faculties to recognize academic achievement and potential in a particular area of study.
A one-semester award for a student pursuing a Master of Publishing degree. Application must be accompanied by a sample of professional, academic or business writing or a portfolio piece.
Recipient must have been a 4-H member for a minimum of 3 years in the Minburn, Two Hills, Beaver or Lamont Districts. Award is based on 4-H achievement and community involvement.
Criteria: -Third semester -Primary consideration given to ability to succeed while enrolled in program (academic achievement), leadership and community involvement -Secondary consideration given to financial need -Alberta resident -Canadian citizen -Preference given to a female student
AVAILABLE TO: Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. CRITERIA: -Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 -Demonstrate community or non-academic school involvement
Conditions: To be awarded annually to undergraduate or graduate students with satisfactory academic standing who are members of the Golden Bears Football Team. Recipient will be selected on the basis of academic standing (a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a minimum 18 units...
Conditions: To be awarded annually to the students of superior academic achievement who have completed their third year of studies, two in the Computing Science specialization streams of Software Design, Business Applications, Computer Design, and Scientific Design and one in Computing Science Honors.