The award is made on the recommendation of the Department to an undergraduate student in Civil Engineering.
An endowment established by The Simons Foundation provides one award for a female entering a Trades program and one award for a female entering an eligible Technology diploma program.
Academic Entrance Scholarships are given to full-time students on the basis of academic achievement in high school. No application for these scholarships is necessary. The scholarships are available to Canadian or US citizens (in Canadian funds). Normally, scholarships are applied to the student's tuition fees...
An annual $250 award to a second- or third-year student returning in the subsequent and final year of study at Concordia. The recipient must present a minimum GPA of 3.5, be registered in 30 credits, demonstrate financial need, be a Canadian citizen, and be a...
2 awards, $1,000 each; one to a female student and one to a male student; available to students enrolled in Engineering; based on academic achievement. No application necessary. Funds awarded as a tuition credit for the fall term.
Established by the friends and family of the late Roman Baumann, a former student who was admired for his academic and athletic abilities. Roman was a founding member of the swim club, was named Voyageur Athlete of the Year on three occasions, was an Ontario...
To be awarded to the student who has completed Level I and at least an additional 60 units of an Honours program in Theatre & Film Studies who, in the judgment of the School of the Arts, has achieved notable academic standing and has made...
To be awarded to the student with the highest Cumulative Average in a Social Work program.
Award Criteria: AME student who demonstrates an interest in pursuing a career with helicopter maintenance high overall average in practical and academic shows evidence of a positive approach to his/her vocation which indicates the award would be prized must be from Alberta, the Yukon or...
Award Criteria: highest overall marks in the 2-year LRM program
Scholarships totalling $2,900, endowed by friends and colleagues of Richard Campbell, are offered to students in the Faculty of Law who hold a degree in forestry, or in another related resource discipline, or who have demonstrated an interest in the forest industry through past employment....
A scholarship of $600 is awarded to the outstanding third year major in the International Relations Program. Both academic accomplishments and contributions to international relations-related activities in the community will be considered in choosing the recipient.
Scholarships of $7,000 or more are awarded from time to time to students in graduate programs in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration. The awards are available to Canadian citizens, and in making the selection, preference is given to individuals combining scholastic attainments with...
Four $4,000 scholarships are offered by Peter Lee to students entering the third or fourth year of the Finance Option in the Bachelor of Commerce Program at the Sauder School of Business. The awards are made on the recommendation of the School.
A scholarship of $300 has been endowed by Queen Sinclair. The award is made on the recommendation of the School of Music, to a student exhibiting proficiency and promise.
One award to a graduate student who has completed at least one semester of graduate work at Simon Fraser University in the area of French linguistics, varieties of French, French-based Creoles, French literature, or French studies.
One bursary for a graduate student in English.
To a graduate student entering Kinesiology or in the first semester of Kinesiology or for a student pursuing graduate studies in other Departments with a focus on biomedical engineering. The criteria for this award are: financial need; demonstrated academic excellence at the undergraduate level and,...
The B.C. Secondary Schools Badminton Association offers scholarships to two participants in this year's Tournament and two that did not qualify for the Tournament. They will be distributed to one boy and one girl in each category. The value of these Scholarships will be determined...
Criteria: -Third semester -Financial need
Criteria: -Outstanding graduate student