The award, based on academic achievement and extra-curricular activities, is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Forestry and the Executive of the Forestry Alumni Division.
Our highest awards are our prestige scholarships - 10 Chancellor's Scholarships, 5 Nortel Networks Scholarships of Excellence, 6 Richard Lewar Scholarships, 2 Cognos Scholarships, and Riordon Scholarship. For all prestige scholarships, you'll need an admission average of 90 percent or better - the selection committee...
1 award, $300; for academic excellence; available to students with a forestry-related career goal. No application necessary. Funds issued in March.
To be given to a piano student. Provided by gifts made by Miss Ellen Ballon, a graduate of the Conservatorium and by the Julius Block Scholarship Fund and the Cummings Foundation Scholarship Fund. Estimated value: $1,500.
To be awarded to the student who, in the judgment of the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, has demonstrated outstanding achievement in PSYCH 4D06 (Honours Thesis).
The recipient will be selected based on: statement of personal and education goals 500 word essay on the 'Importance of Education' two letters of reference ' one of which is from a teacher
Bursaries, based on financial need, totalling $6000 will be awarded as follows in the first year of the program.
Scholarships totalling $1,000 have been endowed by Dr. James M. Orr for undergraduate students in Pharmaceutical Sciences who have achieved excellence in pharmacokinetics. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Fellowships totalling $12,000 have been made available by the late Cy and Emerald Keyes to support graduate students in Mining and Mineral Process Engineering. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, in consultation with the Department of Mining and...
A prize of $200 is offered to an undergraduate medical student who has shown interest and proficiency in the field of Urology. This award is made on the recommendation of the Division of Urology of the Department of Surgery.
The awards are offered to students who demonstrate initiative, leadership and involvement in extra-curricular activities. One award is offered to a student in Mechanical Engineering, the other to a student in Civil Engineering. The awards are made on the recommendation of the respective departments.
A scholarship of $500 has been endowed for a student demonstrating high academic achievement, in the first or second year of study in the Faculty of Law. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Law.
The award is offered to a graduate student admitted to or registered in a M.Sc. or a Ph.D. in forest ecology with a preference for a student working on ecosystem-level issues related to sustainable forest ecosystem resources management. The scholarship is made on the recommendation...
This scholarship of $500 is awarded to an undergraduate student entering the final year in the Department of Asian Studies on the basis of both academic ability and financial need. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department.
It is awarded to a student in the School of Social Work and Family Studies on the recommendation of the School and in the case of graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
A scholarship of $800 is offered by University Publishers to assist an Engineering student. The award is made on the basis of academic standing and participation in the activities of the Engineering Undergraduate Society. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty, in...
Two scholarships of $5,000 each are offered to students entering the second year of studies and proceeding to specialize in library work with Children. The awards are made on the recommendation of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies in consultation with the Faculty...
10 Scholarship will be awarded in total. 5 x $500 will be awarded to the B.C. High School Girls' Basketball Association and 5 x $500 will be awarded to the B.C. High Schools Boys' Basketball Association.
This award of $1,750 is open to students registered in the penultimate or final year of Computer Science, Architecture and Planning or Engineering. The recipient must be a family member (son/daughter, spouse, grandchild, niece/nephew, brother/sister) of an engineering graduate and have achieved satisfactory academic standing....
Criteria: -Second period -Academic achievement from first period (minimum 60%) -Leadership and willingness to help others
Criteria: -Third semester -Superior academic achievement from first and second semesters and prerequisite courses specializing in the study of corrosion: CHEM-221, CHEM-231 -Must be a NACE member (apply online at