Endowed by friends and pupils of the late Annie Macintosh and by a special gift of the late Miss I.G. Macintosh. Offered as a prize or prizes to women students in such subject or for such work as the Faculty may determine.
Value: $700.
4 awards, $250 each; for financial need; available to students in Career & Academic Preparation (ABE) at Nanaimo or Cowichan Campus, showing strength or career direction in math or science. Apply to Financial Aid & Awards Office by January 15. Funds issued in March.
2 awards, $100 each; for graduating students of the Home Support Resident Care Program based on academic achievement and clinical excellence. No application necessary. One award issued at January graduation and one award issued at July graduation
Established in 1982 by generous contributions to the Alma Mater Fund from many graduates who designated their gifts to the area of scholarships and student aid. Awarded to students with outstanding merit proceeding to degrees in any faculty. While academic standing is of primary importance,...
To be awarded to a woman student who has completed Level I and an additional 60 - 75 units of an Honours program in English for excellence in the work of the program (with emphasis on English). The winner must have secured all her secondary...
This scholarship, created by the Lazo Women's Institute, is available to a continuing full-time or part-time North Island College university studies student who has demonstrated academic excellence. The recipient can be male or female, must reside within School District #71 (Comox Valley), be a Canadian...
A scholarship of $1,000, the gift of the B.C. Council of Garden Clubs, is offered in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, to a Canadian citizen entering the final year who is specializing in Horticulture. The award is made on the basis of demonstrated...
The prize is offered for the best graduating thesis/report for MMPE 493 submitted by a student in Mining and Mineral Process Engineering and is made on the recommendation of the Department.
The award is made to a student in the penultimate or final year of Geological Engineering, who shows promise for future professional endeavour in his or her field of study and is active in student affairs either with Georox Club or other campus organizations. The...
A $9,500 scholarship has been endowed by William E. Messenger. The award is offered to a doctoral student in English on the recommendation of the Department of English, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
A $5,000 scholarship is offered by Adera Development Corporation to an outstanding undergraduate student studying Real Estate in the Bachelor of Commerce Program. Preference is given to students who demonstrate leadership in community, sports, and shows entrepreneurial potential. The award is made on the recommendation...
Scholarships totalling $1,100 have been endowed by Andy and Julie Sun for students in Asian Studies. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of Asian Studies and, in the case of graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
It is awarded to a student in the School of Social Work and Family Studies with excellent performance in child welfare studies and is made on the recommendation of the School.
A $2,700 scholarship has been endowed by Vancouver Sun reporter, David Baines for a student in the Master of Journalism program specializing in business journalism. The award is made on the recommendation of the School of Journalism in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
A one-semester award for an outstanding student pursuing a Master of Business Administration, with past work experience in the field of finance and future plans to pursue a career in the area of finance.
Criteria: -Second semester of a diploma or three or four period of any apprenticeship program -Financial need -Academic achievement -Involvement in extracurricular activities -apprenticeship training
Criteria: -Certificate, diploma or apprenticeship program -Financial need The following individuals are eligible: -AUPE members in good standing (not restricted to Local 39) and/or their spouse, and/or their financial dependents -Dependents (under the age of 25) of retired or deceased member (within a period of...
Criteria: -Third semester -Academic achievement (minimum GPA 3.00) -Financial need -Community/leadership involvement -Preference given to a mature student
Criteria: -Excellence in the art of baking -Exceptional competency in combining the theory and practice of baking
AVAILABLE TO: A student who has successfully completed the first year of the UCFV Fashion Design program as a full-time (five course load) student and who is continuing on to 2nd year full-time - (five course load) studies in Fashion at UCFV CRITERIA: Applicant must...
Conditions: To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing (minimum grade point average of at least 3.0 with all courses passed) entering the third year in the BSc Human Ecology program or the Nutrition major. Recipient will be selected on the basis...