Established in 2000 by Hyman Rocklin, Joanne Rocklin, Karen Gaiger and Ellen Rocklin in honour of their wife and mother, Adele Rocklin, Diploma in College Teaching 1966, Certificate in Special Education 1989, an inspirational and devoted leader in the field of education. Awarded by the Faculty of Education's Committee on Student Affairs to an outstanding undergraduate student who has completed at least one year of study.
Value: minimum $500.
Selection is based on academic standing in secondary school and/ or post-secondary studies. Other factors may be taken into consideration such as participation in school activities, community involvement and demonstrated leadership qualities.
2 awards, $500 each; available to graduates of Canadian High Schools from Vancouver Island or the Sunshine Coast; awarded for academic excellence combined with evidence of community involvement and/or entrepreneurship. Apply to Financial Aid & Awards office by March 15. Funds awarded as a tuition...
1 award, $100; available to top students graduating from the Power Sports & Marine Technician program. No application necessary. Funds issued at graduation.
1 bursary, $250; for financial need; available to Cowichan Campus students enrolled in Career & Academic Preparation (ABE) and showing strength or career direction in science.
Three scholarships established by a bequest of Sarah Jane Fiske in memory of her husband who was a graduate of Macdonald College. Awarded for outstanding academic achievement to students in the first or second years of the B.Sc.(Agr.)/B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.), B.Sc.(F.Sc.), B.Sc.(Nutr.Sc.), B.Eng.(Bioresource) programs. Preference is given...
Established in 2005 by the Macdonald Class of 1954 in honour of their 50th anniversary of graduation. Awarded by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarship Committee to a student with high academic standing, enrolled in an undergraduate degree program offered at the Macdonald...
Two scholarships endowed in 1981 by Mr. Clifford Wong, B.Arch. 1960. For undergraduate students having completed second year with high academic standing and who have demonstrated leadership, either academic or otherwise, during the first two years of their studies. Awarded on the recommendation of the...
Established in 2001 in memory of Isaac Walton Killam of Nova Scotia by his Massachusetts sisters through their testamentary trusts for students entering undergraduate degree programs. While academic standing is of primary importance, account may also be taken of qualities of leadership in community and...
The BC Water and Waste Association has established two annual awards of $500 each for students who have completed the first year of full-time study in the Water Quality and Environmental EngineeringTechnology program at Okanagan College and who will return the following academic year for...
The Vernon Valley Lodge #18 Independant Order of Odd Fellows contributes $3,000 annually in order to provide awards of up to $1,000 to students enrolled in Trades and Apprenticeship programs at Okanagan College and who are in financial need. Recipients must be permanent residents of...
The award is offered to a student in the Department of Mining and Mineral Process Engineering and is made on the recommendation of the Head of the Department.
Two prizes of $500 each, a gift of Borden Ladner Gervais, are awarded to students with high academic standing in the course of Conflicts Law (Law 325). The prizes are awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of Law.
A $325 prize, endowed from the estate of Mrs. Thomas A. Kirk, is awarded to that student who, possessing exceptional aptitude for research, either intends to pursue, or is already pursuing some approved investigation in the field of British Columbia history. The prize will normally...
Bursaries totalling $1,100 are awarded to students in the Faculty of Forestry with preference given to studies in plant pathology.
The award is offered to an undergraduate student in Real Estate with good academic standing who has demonstrated strong leadership skills through extra-curricular activities. The award is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration.
W. Curry McCalpin Award including the Gold Medal and a $1,500 cash prize is awarded to the CGA graduate has completed all requirements for certification, has passed all CGA exams on the first attempt, and achieves the highest overall average exam mark in all CGA...
Eligible candidates must have fulfilled or expect to fulfil the minimum entrance requirements into year three of the Mining Engineering undergraduate programme in the Faculty of Engineering. The Bursary is awarded on the basis of the applicant's academic record at an Associated University or in...
Criteria: -Graduating from Accounting major -Academic merit (over 3.00 GPA in the best three Financial Accounting Taxation or finance courses accepted for credit in the Certified General Accountants Association of Alberta)
Criteria: -Mentoring of other students -Involvement in volunteer activities -Academic achievement -Preference - disabled student
Conditions: To be awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing entering the fourth year of the BSc Agriculture program or the BSc Agricultural/Food Business Management program (major in Agricultural Business Management). Recipient will be selected on the basis of financial need and academic...