Awarded on the basis of academic merit to a student in the Department of English who is entering the final year. Awarded on the recommendation of the Department of English.
Value: $1,500.
Who Can Apply College students in the first year of a minimum two-year culinary diploma program Applicants must not have received any other Canadian Hospitality Foundation scholarships Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents
Established in 2002 by the Macdonald Class of 1952 in celebration of their 50th anniversary of graduation. Awarded by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Scholarships Committee to a student with high academic standing enrolled in an undergraduate degree program offered at Macdonald Campus....
Awarded to a student entering the final undergraduate year of a B.Sc.(Agr.)/B.Sc.(Ag.Env.Sc.) program. To qualify, students should have high academic standing and preference is given to a student who is active in the campus sports program and participates in student organizations. Value: $500.
Endowed by Miss Serafima Muskatov in memory of her brother, Boris Muskatov, who died on January 7, 1948, while a student. Offered to a student who has completed the penultimate year in the Faculty of Arts or of Science and has done the best work...
Established in 2005 by family and friends of Andrew Svoboda, B.Mus. 2000 with distinction, M.Mus. 2004, doctoral candidate at Columbia, a promising composer who passed away suddenly on December 29, 2004 at the age of 27. Awarded by the Schulich School of Music Scholarships Committee...
Awarded by the Faculty of Science Scholarships Committee to the winner of the Horace Watson Medal for the highest standing in the Honours Physics program. Value: $1,000.
To be awarded to the student who has completed Level I and an additional 66 - 90 units of a program in Mechanical Engineering and who, in the judgment of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has attained notable standing.
To be awarded to a woman student either on completion of Level I and at least an additional 30 units on the basis of journalistic ability or on completion of Level I and an additional 60 - 75 units of an Honours program in English...
Award Criteria: Chetwynd student full-time hard working financial need
A scholarship of $1,600 is offered to a graduate or undergraduate student who has a good academic record and shows ability and promise for research in medical fields. The award is made to a student undertaking directed research in the summer period or in the...
Scholarships totalling $2,800 have been endowed in memory of Doretta Lee for students enrolled in the M.D. program.
It is made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems Awards Committee and in the case of graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies
One or more fellowships to a total of $6,800 are open to students proceeding to advanced work in forestry. They are tenable for one year at the University of British Columbia, but may be renewed. If they are renewed for one or more years, the...
These fellowships are available to graduate students majoring in transportation and logistics in the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration. Stipends can be as much as $9,000. These awards are designed to encourage well qualified students to major in transportation. Students wishing to be considered...
Eligibility: -Entering a first-year program -Admission average of 85% or higher -Made a contribution to the life of their school or community -Demonstrable financial need -Canadian citizen/permanent resident/protected person and Ontario resident
Eligibility: Candidates must meet UNBC admission, enrollment and full-time attendance requirements in graduate studies. Candidates may be enrolled in any program, but will be researching a public policy issue of particular relevance to residents and communities of northern BC.
It is awarded to the student who has consistently demonstrated high standards of clinical practice upon completion of year three in Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound.
Criteria: -For full time or part time students who are actively involved in the SAIT Student Calling Program. -Minimum GPA 2.70 -Excellence in performance through fundraising activities in the SAIT Student Calling program -One award for a student caller who has been working with the...
Criteria: -Second semester -Academic achievement in first semester -Willingness to get along with others -Leadership/community involvement -Financial need