The Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario Graduating Award of Excellence

Value: $2,150 (total), consists of an initial cash award of $150, plus a credit of $2,000 to be used to cover tuition fees for the CGA program. The recipient must enrol in the 18 months following receipt of the award, thereby using the first credit. The remaining credit will be valid as long as the person is enrolled in the CGA program in Ontario. Applicants must have a min. 80% average in the Laurentian courses identified as equivalents to CGA subjects (FA2, FA3 and MA1) and be enrolled in the final year of the Bachelor of Commerce program or the Master of Business Administration. Further details on the CGA exemption policy for Laurentian University are available at the School of Commerce and Administration. Selection is made by the Academic Council of the School of Commerce and Administration.

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