UCFV provides a number of academic scholarships every year to continuing students in each of the instructional divisions as outlined below. The intent of these awards is to recognize and support exceptional academic performance.

Applicants for these awards use the standard application process set out by the UCFV Financial Aid and Awards office. Applicants must have achieved a minimum 3.5 GPA in a minimum of 24 course credits over the previous fall and winter semesters of the current academic year. An exception will be for applicants from the College and Career Preparation (CCP) program, which will require 12 course credits. The application must be accompanied by a letter from the applicant stating his/her educational and career goals.

Students with documented disabilities, who require study at a reduced course load, must have achieved a minimum 3.5 GPA in a minimum of 24 course credits over the previous 2 academic years. A "Verification of Disability" form available from Disability Services, must be attached.

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